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Blog from 06. September 2020 Hello world! I had a super strange feeling on a plane today as I remembered all the blogs I wrote in the past. I thought why not write a few lines about what’s going on in my little world. As I started writing, I felt somehow warm and peaceful in my body. It felt like getting back to a friend that I didn’t see for a long time. A lot has happened. We should have been on stage with the Sunrise boys for the last time a few weeks ago, but obviously that experience was postponed like pretty much everything in the world this year. It’s a shame, of course, but good news is that we will have our moments together next year when it’s safer and when there’s room to enjoy the final blast. Accept what you can’t change. Everything was planned more amazing than ever before and we were all more than ready to go, but now we have a great chance to make some little details even better. The story of Sunrise with you all has been way too beautiful to be ended with masks on our faces. The years together have been beautiful and so shall the last steps be too. If it takes a little time, then let’s give it time. It’s amazing that our agents Contra Promotion in Europe and Live Nation in Finland were able to find a new date for every show in such short notice. It feels a bit strange even thinking about being on stage right now, but just imagine how it must feel after the wait. Like you weren’t given candy for a year and then they put chocolate in your mouth. They reopened the Olympic stadium in Helsinki a few weeks ago and as I did a TV interview on the field where we’ll play soon with the boys, it gave me chills. I haven’t seen any of the band guys after the last rehearsals in early March and that feels like a lifetime. We’ve had our long breaks before but this time we’ll need an extra day to go through what everyone’s been doing the last months before we can start looking at music again. We’ll get back to tour plans in October. As it’s been announced, the tour start is planned April 2nd (My birthday next year. I have a strong feeling we will see us then. Fingers crossed. Today I’m heading back to the Voice studio. It’s so great they asked me back. My original plan for 2020 was to focus on the final Sunrise tour and that would have taken pretty much all of my time. But as everything went new, I suddenly had a lot of empty pages in my calendar. I had nothing but fishing, Taekwondo and freedom in mind until my book comes out in October. Then they called me from the Voice and asked if I would team up with Rea. I asked them to repeat the question. Me and Rea Garvey in one team? Seroiusly…??? I must say it’s been more fun than I expected and probably more fun than ever before. He’s such a cool little beard face and in some ways it’s even more fun fighting the others with Rea than being his arch enemy. Ok, I loved our moments in the past too, but the team work has been amazing. I must also say the production and all folks working for the great 10th season at TVOG are doing a champion job. Most of the “crowd members” are made of card board but honestly after the first day of filming, you didn’t realize that. Amazing how much noise you were able to make even though you weren’t as many as before. Thank you for being there. The mood has been amazing every day and even though there’s a little extra virus-danger-vibe at the studio every now and then, we’re all used to that by now. I’m so happy I decided to go for it. One thing that will happen according to plans, is my book. Finally. I have been working on it for three years with my trusted writer Tuomas Nyholm. I started writing the story on my own eight years ago, but then I realized it’s impossible to get it right and went for a few writers with experience. Luckily my instincts were right about Tuomas and he definitely deserves a damn statue in Samu-Haber-Land now that the work is done. I like to be pretty open about my thoughts and life. But it’s always been in the context of music, TV shows, career etc. Now I’m talking about myself as I am. My dreams, fears and weaknesses. About the moments that made me a hero, but also about the mistakes I’ve made. And that felt amazing, scary and naked. The fact that Tuomas would also interview tens of people who’ve also been there and who know me to the bone, forced me to be über honest. Some topics went under my skin and some moments I felt like we’re going a bit too deep. But we didn’t. It all feels right today and this project has been the best way of getting to know who I am. You might have heard a thing or two about me over the years, but this is something else. Now we’re not talking about a chorus. It makes me more nervous than anything I have released ever before. But I also love the honesty and brutal openness it has. Can’t wait it to be out. As I finished reading the book for the first time myself, I said: “WOW” and I didn’t have dry eyes. Many Voice colleagues, musicians, music industry people, friends and family members took part in the book project spending their time explaining my journey to Tuomas. But the first thing he started writing with, was my blogs from the past. I went through them too. Hilarious crazy stuff. It’s strange times. Very strange. But it’s comforting to know that all this craziness will be over some day. And actually compared to how bad the worst scenario looked like in March, things aren’t as bad as they could have been. I know I’m one of the lucky ones in this world. I’m still healthy and I have my jobs. I know that’s not the case with you all. But I think now we need to stay patient and to follow the instructions given us by the authorities and to act smart. I don’t like the restrictions or wearing a mask. But if that can save someone’s life or save some business so people can keep their jobs, I’ll definitely do my best and so should we all. This will not be forever. There’s already light at the end of the tunnel. And it’s getting brighter every day. Sending you all lots of angels and strength. Hoping to see you all very soon. Forever Yours, Samu | |||
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Blog from 11. Oktober 2020 Good night Berlin! I’m again flashed by the amazingness of the Voice. It’s just so ridiculous how well they do it. And even in these strange times when you would think many young talented singers would stay home waiting for better times, again we have all been shocked how great they’ve been. It was sometimes hard not to buzz for some of them, but unfortunately there are only 18 places in each team. Everyone would be good enough for the show. I really hope they show a lot of the behind the scenes material of how the crew made it happen, especially this year. Conditions are unimaginable hard and restrictions could kill the vibe easily, but no. Just look at the show. It’s the best there is on television in the whole world and it’s just amazing I get to sit there as one of the stars. I’ll try to get my RPM down now so I could get a goodnight sleep. It’s an early morning again tomorrow and I have a huge week ahead. The biggest I’ve had in years. I started traveling with my book already last month and next Wednesday is the big day. Pooh… There have been moments I have even regretted the idea of releasing the whole piece at all. It sometimes felt too honest and too deep. But then I have thought about you all and how things have always been between us. How you have understood everything every single time. Even if the topics have been a bit big to swallow. So three nights left <3 Good night now and big hugs from my hotel room toothbrush station. Forever Yours, Samu | |||
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PS: Meet my little sister. You'll know a bit more about her soon...;) Blog from 15. October 2020 Throwback Thursday What a week and what a throwback. As I started this book project, I had no idea where it would take me. Again today I’ve had feelings that I never knew before. But luckily life has brought me to many different places, so even if all this feels a bit strange now, it doesn’t make me too scared. I must admit that I’m quite exhausted. When you promote your band’s music or some TV show, it’s very hard work for sure, but this is something different. Now you talk about your inner YOU 45 times a day for many weeks facing your own past and your own doings. This time it’s not a chorus line or a guitar sound you selected. It’s all about the deepness of you. It’s amazing what happens in every interview. It can be that they squeeze all possible sides of my 44 years into 10 minutes; Childhood, Sunrise, The Voice, Finnish Police and also how I feel about being naked in the sauna sometimes doing “Kalsarikännit.” From topic to topic, from emotion to emotion. Some moments have felt like being on a rollercoaster that’s going a bit too fast without having the safety belt just holding onto the handle and trying to stay in. Some moments have been amazingly deep and intelligent and the questions have stopped me in a respectful intelligent way. It’s all very interesting and all this has already been one of my coolest experiences ever. Every question is mega hard no matter what the language would be, but then I also share my thoughts in a language I don’t speak too well. Like a Finnish tourist would speak English in New York. Doing quite well, but not understanding the local street signs or the dialect. I could also talk about all of the topics for hours. Subjects are huge and they’d all deserve their own TV show, but now they need to be squeezed into a small package like bang, bang, bang! It’s crazy but I love it. And of course it’s an honor that all the major TV, Radio, Magazine etc. players want to have me and my book at the shows. I promised myself that I wouldn’t read your comments too much in the beginning. But of course I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t really know what to expect and who wouldn’t like to read about what others think. You have turned my world upside-down once again with your words. There were a few times I was not able to hold my tears. I tried every time because there’s people around me everywhere. You always amaze me with how much love and wisdom you have inside you and how smart you look at the world from outside the bubble. It’s sometimes difficult to remember all the good there is in the world in between all the sheisse and noise around us. Thank you for reminding me again of how good this place actually is. I’ll be done with my duties a bit earlier tonight. It’s good that Helsinki IFK are not playing Ice Hockey tonight in Finland so I don’t have to choose between sports and The Voice. A few more nights and I’ll sleep again in my own bed. After my own sauna. Sending you all lots of love and thank you again for all the support in these crazy times. Still Yours, Samu | |||
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PS. Congratulations Heaven. You just got yourself a special angel this week and the dinners and other moments just got much better for you. We will all miss him down here and please take good care of him. Cook in peace Matti. Blog from 27. October 2020 Samu vs Bug 1-0 I just received my negative COVID 19 test result and according to the German health authorities, my quarantine is over. That means I can go home. I will of course take another test at the airport in Helsinki and follow any instructions given to me by the Finnish health people. It was a bit crazy getting the “positive” news last week as I had no real symptoms at all. I was very used to getting the green light as I’ve been probably tested more than Donald T. the last months. I’ve been travelling like crazy and I was a bit tired after the book tour of course, but I never expected myself carrying the bug. And this is what they told us from the beginning. You might carry it without having a clue and even if you might be lucky with it like me, you might give it to someone else. Was strange how all the news articles from last six months flashed through my mind as I received the results. And then as you have a little strange feeling in your stomach or chest, your subconscious starts telling you crazy stories of what might happen. I was never too worried about myself to be honest. Mostly I feared that I might have given it to someone else. But who’d want to be sick at all. Most colleagues, friends and family who have been in contact with me the last weeks have been tested and they are all OK and clear. However, if you have been close to me and especially if you feel any symptoms, go check yourself. Even though I got off with a very light warning this time, the experience reminded me of how quickly things can get bad. So I will make sure that I’ll do an even better job from now on staying away from others. Winning the first round doesn’t mean the battle is over. A boxing match typically lasts 12 rounds and I hope this one is less. As we have all heard, you might get it again. We’re not done yet. That day will come though. Thank you all lovely people for taking so great care of me and for sending messages that made me smile and made my heart feel warm. And thank you friends and colleagues in Berlin. On the second day they brought me a piano. Candles and red wine on the third day. I wrote and recorded three new songs as I had nothing to do. Rea, you don’t need to bring me the extra guitar gear you promised. And Mark I will delete the funny and schmutzig picture that you sent me ;) in case they hack my phone some day. But thank you anyways. All of you. I realize how lucky I am once again. Take care everyone and hope to see you all very soon. I have mentioned my home sofa and my own bed a few times in my past blogs. I don’t remember being this happy thinking of sinking into both of them soon. Big virtual hugs, Samu | |||
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Blog from 09. November 2020 Autumn leaves It’s not too cold in Helsinki yet, but the autumn is definitely here. The leaves are not brown but already all yellow and half of them are down on the ground. There’s this mist hiding the city somewhere in the evenings and it’s just so super beautiful. The street lights make a halo around them and it’s like you’re walking in a movie on your way home. I’m not the biggest fan of November in general, who is, but there’s definitely a very beautiful side in it too. The air is fresh and it smells so clean even in the heart of the city. I’m sure I will start counting the days to April at some point but today all this feels calming and nice. I’m just happy to be safe at home and pretty much knowing nothing about what’s going on outside my walls. During my easy days this and last week, I had some time to read a lot of your thoughts about my book and my life story so far. Again I must say I have been touched by your words like never before. Thank you for all your promotion support and also for opening your hearts and dreams to me. I will keep all them only to myself and I’m wishing you all lots of luck and courage taking your important steps in life. Reading challenge As you might have seen, some of my friends and buddies have made some really cool reading videos with my book for social media. I asked them to help me out as most of the promotion activities were cancelled due to the situation and this year there aren’t any real book fairs or reading events. You can see them on my Instagram highlights and on my Facebook page. Now for my surprise I started receiving videos from more and more people and I thought why not having a little competition. I love competitions ;) The rules are: Make a vertical reading video (any language) with my book on your Instagram FEED until Christmas Day 2020. Maximum length 2 minutes. Start with reading a few lines. If you wanna send greetings etc., you can do that in the end. Use hashtag #foreveryours Best three videos will get a signed book (language you chose) dedicated as you like. The very best video will win a special “Evening with Samu” price for you and your friend. Has nothing to do with sauna, taekwondo or water skiing ;) Lots of love and patience to you all out there in these crazy times. There’s already some light at the end of the tunnel… Samu | |||
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Blog from 12. November 2020 City Of Angels If someone would have had told me two years ago that I’m releasing music in Finnish tonight, I would have shaken my head. Then came the year 2019 and the wild winds of change forced me to look at life and myself in a new light. My head was f*cked up and it was scary how small I felt. The city of angels is a small northern metropolis. A man walks its streets and carries the backpack of his decisions on his back. He marvels at the half-empty streets of the city. On them he has been a hero and also a loser. His steps feel heavy and he’d want to turn back, but his heart says the direction is right. I love this whole goddamn circus. But what I love the most, is the moment a song is born. Then something changes.And I'm not even trying to figure out what it is. And okay. Right now I love the whole world somewhere in between my nervousness and excitement. Samu | |||
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Enkelten Kaupunki (Samu 2019) Synneissä tän kaupungin Ollaan enkeleitä kumpikin On vaan kadut täynnä tyhjää Enkä tiedä ketä kaipaan Mut oottelen sua kuitenkin Mun ajatukset piinaa mua Tiedän että voisin rakastua Siit on aivan liian kauan Kun tunsin jotain suurta Voi voisipa tää onnistua Mun sisällä soi ääni Se pyytää vielä oottamaan Mä kuljen ympyrääni Mut löydän sinut aikanaan Sä valvot siellä jossain Myös mietit miksei aika vielä oo Joskus mua horjuttaa Kun kuljen kohti jotain suurempaa Mut tulee vielä kaunis aamu Kun sun hengityksen kuulen Sit tiedän et oon turvassa Mun sisällä soi ääni Se pyytää vielä oottamaan Mä kuljen ympyrääni Mut löydän sinut aikanaan Sä valvot siellä jossain Myös mietit miksei aika vielä oo Nää lohduttomat kulmat Tän perkeleiden kaupungin Sen väärät hetken hurmat Joo ne on nähty kumpikin Mä tahdon vaan sun luokse Ja mietin miksei aika vielä oo Joo mä ootan sua ja mietin et millainen oot Mä valvon ja ootan sua synneissä tän kaupungin Blog from 29. November 2020 Ginger Bread Pork I just got home from Cologne and damn it’s getting dark. This is the time of the year when you remember that Finland is actually in the north. The days are getting very short and the Sun rises in Helsinki tomorrow at 8:55 and sets at 15:52. And it never goes too high actually but keeps hiding the whole day somewhere behind the buildings and trees. It would be super cool to have some snow, as then it looks much prettier, but the last years haven’t actually been too much of Disney winters. Feels like the climate change is proceeding as they’re saying. Unfortunately. They opened the outdoor skating parks this week in Helsinki and as soon as I’m done with my quarantine, I’ll definitely go. Maybe the kids will let me play a bit of hockey with them… Thank you all for your amazing reading challenge videos. It’s so cool how much effort you have taken and how creative you all are. My buddy Toni has made subtitles to some of them and we still have until Christmas Day midnight (Dec 25th). Just remember to tag #foreveryours on the videos or your hard work might disappear somewhere in the digital universe. I’m sure I have seen them all and my heart has melted many times already and I have laughed my ass off too. Many of your videos or messages tell the story of how some of you found your best friend(s) through Sunrise Avenue concerts or some of my TV stuff. How cool is that. The thought of connecting people in this sometimes cold world, is so much bigger than any platinum award or sold out stadium. We all know how it feels to be lonely and if an event or song can change that for someone, what more can you ask for. I also love the crazy gang-travel-videos from your trips to concerts or to the TV studios. I still don’t fully understand how you find the time for your support year after year. But of course if I may say, please never stop. And now the important stuff. This is the time of the year when the Finnish dude Santa Klaus is watching every move we make. All that we do and say now effects directly on the Christmas Eve. Santa and his million assistants have eyes everywhere in the world. They all live in Korvatunturi at the Santa Park and I have visited the main house once. Santa is a bit scary (as most mega charismatic leaders are) but he’s also actually super cool. And super smart as he’s more than 600 years old and he has seen it all. Imagine that he remembers the names of everyone in the world. I heard the world situation hasn’t really effected on his actions and his reindeers are able to operate normally. I don’t really know what Christmas means this year, but in a few weeks it’s the day when everything stops for a while. It's strange to prepare for the holidays as it can be difficult to travel and to gather together, but I hope nobody would be left alone. And even though it feels kind of bad with all the strangeness around us, imagine how amazing it should feel next year as everything is hopefully back to normal. So, lots of love from my home sofa. It feels extra safe and comfortable tonight. Probably because I have a freshly baked ginger bread pork in my mouth. And because Frank Sinatra is singing Christmas songs on Spotify. Life could be so much worse. The record companies have asked me for a Christmas album for at least ten years now and I have alwasys said no. Right now it doesn't feel like a bad idea, but I'm sure I'll get back to my senses tomorrow. Not this year anyways. Maybe someday. Nothing beats Frank. Big hugs everyone and stay safe out there, Samu | |||
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Blog from 12. December 2020 Ghost Town Here we are in Berlin shooting the final live shows of the Voice season 10. It feels strange looking out the window remembering the most vibrant city in the world and now the streets are all empty. It’s Saturday evening and it’s not the Berlin I once fell in love with. Funny how we’re already used to this and it feels like the new normal. We were told yesterday that we won’t have any audience at the semifinal & final and that’s of course a downer. The live shows have always been the highlight of each season, but now we’ll have to find the energy from somewhere else. This is no surprise of course and actually we’re lucky that we get to do the season until the very end. There were some dark clouds above the whole production at some point, especially as I was carried out of the whole studio with positive corona in October, but now it looks all good. Fingers crossed. And it'll be super fun for sure. Tomorrow we have two brilliant semifinalists on stage with Rea. Wishing Paula and Matthias all the luck in the world. They have both fought really hard for the whole season and they definitely deserve their spotlights now. Both were amazing today at the final rehearsals and it feels good to switch the cameras on. So I launched my own red wine last week. I have been dreaming about it for years, but I said it out loud for the first time a few years ago in Australia under a palm tree to my friend Tomi Björck. He’s the coolest chef (and surfer) Finland ever had and he is one of the guys on this planet who just makes things happen. Together with his team they have opened two new restaurants in Helsinki after the pandemic started and they hired a lot of new staff in these starnge times. Respect for being brave. Through the years we’ve spent time in his restaurants, on Australian beaches, on combat tatamis, and also at The Voice Of Germany season 3. He made a dinner for me and my friend Mikko (who sold his house for the first SA album in the beginning) in Helsinki and the Voice cameras were there. If you’re ever in Helsinki, try his restaurants. I visit them too often according to my accountant and my belt. Their new place “Lily Lee” has a “Samu Haber’s Table” on the coolest spot of the restaurant. Of course that feels pret ty cool. You can try to book it when you’re in Helsinki. Anyways, Tomi called me from his home in Australia in April and reminded me of that wine chat we had in Sydney. He was in his nice swimming pool sweating his ass off and I was in + 4 degrees Helsinki … That call started a processes that we can all taste in our wine glasses today. One of the great things about publishing the book was that I was able to learn so many new things on the way. I never thought about the meaning of paper thickness or cover gluing methods, but now I got to explore it all and I know how it works. To be very honest, I didn’t know what all the editors do before a book is ready to be printed. I just never thought about it. Now I know. The same goes for the wine. I didn’t know that by harvesting parts of the vine, you give the minerals and water to the remaining wine grapes and that makes the taste. And also how controlled it all is what you can say on the label and advertising, especially in Finland. It’s also cool that a wine is somehow always exclusive and limited as you only have limited amount of harvest each year. It’s already clear that this one will be sold out sooner than later and I hope they don’t miss my personal big order. Would be a long and sad winter without my own bottles. I’m not gonna make “Samu’s #drinkingchallenge with it…” although the thoug ht crossed my mind. Thank you Bodegas Nekeas and Tomi & gang for helping me out. And thank you Weinfreunde and Alexander Herrmann for spreading the word. Like every other evening, I will sink into the Soho House sofa now and escape into the world of Netflix. I think we’re the only customers here with manager Mikko. Everything is closed, gym, restaurants, the bar, like everywhere else too. It’s like living in a-bit-scary strange movie. Be safe and stay healthy everyone. And wish our super stars and all talents luck tomorrow on stage. It’s great to have a long shooting day and some real action again. Covid test number 32, I can’t wait to have you in my system tomorrow morning...;) Big big hugs, Samu | |||
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Blog from 31. December 2020 Dear 2020 Thank you for another great year. It was a bit different than in my original plans, but now looking at it in the review mirror, it wasn’t all that bad. One worldwide pandemic and being isolated from everyone. One postponed mega tour. One stupid court case. But also one Bestseller Biography (Tuomas <3), One victorious Voice Of Germany (Go Paula & Rea <3) and One red wine (<3 Tomi & Guys). One Finnish song (Boys<3). 37 COVID tests, one positive. Many new kinds of unique moments with many dear people. Also many new folks who came into my life to stay. Realizing how great life can actually be even in strange circumstances. Life is not supposed to go as planned and it never will. And to me we have proven once more that we are able to adapt. It always feels uncomfortable, but here we are and life goes on. Dear 2021 Please give us strength to make it through this crazy time with as less damage as possible. Please keep our loved ones safe and please let us hug each other hard soon again. Please give us a day we can get together on the big fields again and to celebrate moments like we used to. Let us jump around like crazy without any masks or worrying about hurting others. I’ll never forget these 12 months. I had taken so many things for granted in the past and I know I will appreciate some of them much more in the future. Thank you all for your endless support with my book, music and also at the voice. And with everything else too. I will get back to the reading challenge videos after I come back from my break in January. I’m gonna stay switched off now for some time. I hope you all had an amazing Christmas break and I also hope that you too can see some light at the end of the tunnel. 2021 is right behind the corner and next year things will get closer to what life used to be. Greetings from the snowy mountains of Lapland and Lots of love to you all. Hard virtual hugs and happy new year everyone <3 Samu | |||
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